Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fucking Tony

So Tony gave me shit for having shitty blog posts on my shitty blog.  Well fuck I can't let that asshole have his way.  So here I am explaining my past few weeks I guess, I don't know.  Fuck

So I beat Etrian Odyssey 4.  It was a fun as hell game, but you fucking pleebs probably wouldn't like it.  Too grindy for you pussies.  But the ending was cool. Spoilers, turned out the fucking like evil titan and sacred guardian tree shit were the same thing.  Shit got wiiiiild.  But I saved everyone cuz I'm the fucking man.  Theres some end game content, but I'll get to that later because I just got Bravely Default, the game I pretty much got my 3DS for.

I got this game on like friday and I'm already almost 20 hours in.  Granted, I don't do shit all day, but still that's impressive.  It's essentially a new Final Fantasy if Square didn't fuck Final Fantasy straight up the ass with no lube with their shitty XIII trilogy that sucked huge amounts of black cock.  It's more classic, and has a sweet job system like FFV.  I love job systems in RPGs so I'm happy.  I got a thief, summoner, valkyrie which is basically a dragoon, and a ranger.  My team's the shit.  But unfortunately I have no friends and in this game you need friends to rebuild this village to buy shit or something, I don't know cuz I don't got friends.  So if you play this game, let me know so I can fix this shitty village.  It's the least you asshole can do for me.

Whelp, it's Tuesday night, so I got to get ready to get shitfaced.  Peace out cunts.

Monday, February 10, 2014


So here I am, 2 weeks since my last post after a record of posting everyday.  Well fuck there's not much to talk about.  Gonna get wasted this weekend.  And the physics of my dick don't make any sense.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fuck Mondays

I didn't do shit all day.  I woke up for class at like 8:50ish and said fuck it and didn't go to class.  My only class.  I ended up sitting on my ass watching HBO all day.  This new show True Detective is the shit.  And this weeks episode was pretty wild.  It's a good thing to watch while I wait for all the other shows on HBO I like.  I got a fucking horseshit class tomorrow morning at fucking 830 which is gonna fucking suck.  It's all machine shop shit that I already know how to do.  The only thing I actually want to do and don't already know how is weld and we can't fucking weld.  fucking bullshit.  I took a bunch of sleeping pills so hopefully I can pass out and get decent sleep for that class.
Like I said, I'm gonna try to do a shitty post every day and maybe every once in a while have a good post.  Toodles

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday and No Football =[

So last night I went to a party and ended up staying up till like 6 in the morning.  It was pretty fun, but I couldn't get on the beer pong table and it was just a bunch of scrubs playing.  I didn't do jack shit all day.  And I don't give a fuck about the pro bowl game, so no football for me until next week.  I'm rooting for the Seahawks I guess.  I don't really like either teams, but my friend likes the broncos and fuck him.

Also, some asshole said I didn't do the beam cannons right on my Freedom Gundam, but fuck that asshole, the fuck does he know?  Well apparently he was right, so I fixed it.
It does look better this way.  I'm gonna go grab an action base probably this week to do some sweet poses.
This week shouldn't be too bad, I got a proposal shit due tuesday and then nothing.  Oh fuck, I gotta get up mad early Tuesday to go do some horseshit machine shop bullshit that I already know how to do.  That's what I get for being in school at 24 with a bunch of fucks.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Even More Way Cooler Than Leo's Gundam

Went dranking last night and then had to get up early to go look at boats and shit for my senior design project.  Was still a little drunk and it was snowy as fuck.  Fuck the snow.  At least it wasn't negative shit ton degrees out, but still cold as fuck.  Fuck all that noise.  I hate the snow and the cold.  Fuck Pittsburgh.

I beat the third dungeon of Etrian Odyssey  last night too.  I beat this asshole fuckhead boiling lizard who was shitting his scales everywhere making this cold ass cave super hot like some sort of reckless fuck.  Apparently he guarded a titan heart that could make animal people stop turning into plants.  Yeah, fucking voodoo shit.  Anyway, onto my gundam.

Here's where we left off yesterday, pretty sweet and what not
And now we got got some pretty sweet panel lining.  As you can see, I only did an ok job, there's some smudges and shit.  Not perfect.  But even with my shitty job, it still looks pretty good.

Here he is, being all free and standing next to an American ass beer
And here's his beam cannons and shit

I think I'm gonna get a gray ink wash to do the wings.  My pen didn't really work on the blues, so we'll see how that turns out.

I'm not sure if I'll put the stickers on or not.  That sounds like it'll be a huge pain in the fucking ass and extremely rage inducing.  He looks pretty cool as is.  I might just put a top coat on and leave him as is.  Overall, this kit was pretty fun to build and play with.  I like the detail way better than the I think 2 shitty high grade models I had when I was younger.  Those fuckers weren't posable or playable, this guy's almost as playable as the action figures I played with.

On a final note, I recently ordered a tea thing, it like brews tea all awesome and shit and gets rid of the shitty leaves and shit.  So I go to pick up my package, and to my surprise I have 2 boxes.  So I open up the tea one, get what I expected.  Open up the second box and this is what I get

Like 20 fucking children's books about the mailman.  What the fuck is this shit.  Who the fuck would make this shitty book and then who the fuck would send me like 20 of these fucking books.  Like seriously, I appreciate the mailman, but I'm not about to order 20 fucking children's mailman fucking books.  Fucking shit.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Way Better Than Leo's Gundam Part 2

I built my Freedom Gundam's Weapons.  They were a mixed bag. 

Here's his side skirts

They also double as badass railguns

I had originally wanted to pose him with the sweet Darth Maul beam saber, but whatever retard in charge of the beam saber department decided to put in 1/100th scale beam sabers.  This guys pretty strong but can't support one beam saber, let alone a badass Darth Maul beam saber

I'll probably end up posing him with his gun, maybe his shield not sure, but here they are
Now the important stuff, the wings!
 These fuckers were hard as fuck to put together, but they came out pretty sweet.  Also, they hide some badass beam cannons!

 After reading online, a lot of people have complained about balance issues with the wings on, but as you can see, I'm not having that problem at all.  Probably cause I'm not a pussy.
So everything's put together, all that's left is to panel line this guy.  If you look closely, you can see I started on the right foot.  It pops out a bit more than the left.  And was a pain in the dick to do.  Until next time, adios fucktards.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Way Cooler Than Leo's Gundam

Today, I started my first Gundam model in maybe 10 years.  I ordered the real grade version of the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam.  This is a 1/144 scale model, which is about the same size as my Gundam toys I used to play with when I was a kid/whenever I'm home.  Don't judge me cunts.  Now apparently this dude is from Gundam Seed, which I've never watched so I have no idea anything about this guy.  But, he looks pretty fucking sweet...
...and with a name like Freedom Gundam, I figure he's gotta be one of the most American Gundams out there.  So I figured, what the fuck, and ordered him off amazon, and today he came.  And Then I realized just what I got myself into...
But I persevered, and grabbed the instructions...

Yeah this will be a piece of cake!
But there were nice pictures inside so it wasn't too hard.  First I made this sweet ass skeleton
just to make sure everything fit together.  A cool thing about this model is it's mad posable, way more than the toys I still play with.  I'm sure someone can count all the millions of points of articulation blah blah blah.  Let's get started, bottom up, with the foot!

That looks like shit, but luckily, I'm a boss, and with some effort, BOOM!
Way better than before
Now we got both done
Then, I'll do the legs
and holy shit are these fucks posable
Stab those fucks into the feet, and boom
Next I made the crotch, which had a surprising amount of articulation and stabbed the dudes in that
Now I made the torso, which came out sweet
Stab that fucker into the legs
Next, I did the arms, here's a before/after
And stab those fucks into the body
And now the head.  Fuck this piece, holy shit.  This things like the size of a penny and is made up of like 50 pieces.  Christ, I almost burned down my apartment in rage making this fucker
Here's a size comparison so you can tell I ain't shitting you.  Oh and that shitty red goatee is a separate part.
Stab that fucker into the body and boom, we got a Gundam!

I got tired so I'll make his wings and weapons and shit tomorrow, the wings should suck huge amounts of dicks, but it'll look mad sweet.  He looks pretty cool right out of the box, and since I'm stuck in my shitty studio apartment, I probably won't end up painting him.  But I will panel line him, just to make him pop.  Tune in tomorrow or sometime soon to see how he ends up.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Playing Etrian Odyssey

I recently started playing Etrian Odyssey IV, which is my first Etrian Odyssey.  Its pretty fun, I'm in the third dungeon and I got a minotaur as a partner now.  I don't know how to put pics from my 3DS onto here, but it looks pretty sweet.  My guild is called kickass and my airship is the SS Skank.  I think Tomorrow, I'll have some funner stuff to put here.  I'm gonna try to blog everyday, but most of them will be pretty shitty like this.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Year, New Blog Stuff

So it's been a while since I blogged, and I've decided to go back to my roots as the best blogger in the world and begin anew!  I'm also tweeting more often again, boom @freenoteD.  Come back in the next few days to see what new shit I have in store for my shitty fans, AKA you.

Also, I quit playing Secret of Evermore a while ago, so who knows how me and the dog end up?  Who cares?  Not I.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I don't remember what happened in my life since last time.  Nothing exciting most likely.  So fuck off.  Here's what happened in Secret of Evermore though!

After I killed that big ass snake, some hippy dude gave me a mud pepper.  Apparently I needed this shit so I could use the alchemy skill levitate to move this stupid rock in front of this stupid cave.

 And holy shit, there's all this lava and shit in this cave!  And those stupid pink ass raptor things are here, fuck.
 Eventually, I find some sewer pipes that I need to traverse through, which was a huge pain in the ass.

 And eventually I arrive at this shitty furnace thing with that bitch Fire Eyes chilling there.  But wait a second! That's not Fire Eyes!  You can tell because her eyes are all evil and shit.

 This bitch then sicks her favorite pokemon at me, MAGMAR!!!!! Yep, this big ass dinosaur's name is Magmar.  Technically, this game came out before pokemon, so go fuck yourself game freak!