Friday, January 24, 2014

Way Better Than Leo's Gundam Part 2

I built my Freedom Gundam's Weapons.  They were a mixed bag. 

Here's his side skirts

They also double as badass railguns

I had originally wanted to pose him with the sweet Darth Maul beam saber, but whatever retard in charge of the beam saber department decided to put in 1/100th scale beam sabers.  This guys pretty strong but can't support one beam saber, let alone a badass Darth Maul beam saber

I'll probably end up posing him with his gun, maybe his shield not sure, but here they are
Now the important stuff, the wings!
 These fuckers were hard as fuck to put together, but they came out pretty sweet.  Also, they hide some badass beam cannons!

 After reading online, a lot of people have complained about balance issues with the wings on, but as you can see, I'm not having that problem at all.  Probably cause I'm not a pussy.
So everything's put together, all that's left is to panel line this guy.  If you look closely, you can see I started on the right foot.  It pops out a bit more than the left.  And was a pain in the dick to do.  Until next time, adios fucktards.

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