Today I worked and didn't buy anything, but then I made a bowl of Jell-O shots so I can get drunk as fuck tomorrow. And tomorrow, I'm planning on buying supplies to make some tasty old fashions. Unfortunately, dumbass fucktarded Massachusetts thinks liquor stores are foreign countries and requires me to bring a fucking passport just to buy alcohol. My state issued drivers license isn't enough. Fuck you Massachusetts, you glorified shit hole. You don't even have happy hour! What the fuck kind of ass backwards, puritan era bullshit pussy place doesn't allow happy hour! Cheap food does not negate the lack of cheap beer you cock. If someone from the tea party ran for governor or something, and had all these retarded plans for the state that I didn't agree with at all, but at the end of his list of dumbass shit he promised to bring happy hours back or he'd kill himself, I would vote for that douchebag in a heart beat!
After thinking for a while, I decided I would blog about me playing video games for a bit, until something else came up.
So today I begin by playing Secret of Evermore, the white people version of the Mana series. Updates tomorrow!
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